StayHome Information & Resources List

Clinical Informatics Research Group, University of Washington

Outbreak Status

These resources let you explore aspects of the outbreak in different geographic areas. Some may require you to either let your browser share your location or to enter your location directly onto that page.

Your Local Information

Select your region from the drop down to see localized resources

No city or county options for your area here? Sorry we don’t have any yet. If you do have local official resources that you find valuable, please send them to:, and we’ll try to post them

For All States

See Which States Are Reopening and Which Are Still Shut Down

The New York Times is tracking when orders to stay at home are lifted in each state, as well as when broad reopenings are allowed in public spaces, such as restaurants, retail stores, salons, gyms and houses of worship. In some cases, stay-at-home orders are lifting separately from restrictions on businesses. This page will be updated regularly. Easy “click on the map” navigation to the state of your choice.

Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation

Explore hospital bed use, need for intensive care beds, and ventilator use due to COVID-19 based on projected deaths for all 50 US states and District of Columbia

US National Level

US Centers for Disease Control Situation Reports

Updated every few days.

New York Times Coronavirus page (available free during outbreak)

(updated frequently) New York Times summary COVID-19 page.

Coronavirus in the US: Latest Map and Case Count

NYT page that tracks coronavirus across the US, including for each state and county.

Global Level

WHO Daily Situation Reports

Consistent format, country by country tables, graphs, and summaries of significant developments.

Our World In Data - COVID-19 Statistics & Research

Continuously updated reporting on casing and testing around the world

Staying Healthy

Social Distancing

Coronavirus, Social Distancing, and Self-Quarantine

An article from Johns Hopkins University about how to practice social distancing

Flatten the Curve: Dos and Don'ts

A list of dos and don’ts to keep you healthy and safe while practicing social distancing


Surgical masks and N95 respirators are in short supply and should be reserved for healthcare workers or other medical first responders, as recommended by CDC guidance. We have divided our resources into two categories based on this.

Cloth Masks

Use of Cloth Face Coverings to Help Slow the Spread of COVID-19

CDC recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain to slow the spread of the virus.

Medical Masks

Decontamination and Reuse of Filtering Facepiece Respirators

A document summarizes research about decontamination of FFRs before reuse.

Food & Disinfectants

Food & Drug Administration FAQ on COVID-19

including food safety and vaccines/treatments

Information on disinfectants

CNN summary of EPA recommendations

Full list of EPA disinfectants for coronavirus

Health Conditions & Medications

Asthma & Lung Conditions

American Lung Association guidance and information for people with lung conditions

CDC information for people with lung conditions


National Cancer Institute information on coronavirus for patients with cancer


American Diabetes Association guidance and FAQ for people with diabetes

Cardiovascular Health

American Heart Association advice for patients taking ACE-i and ARBs


FDA guidance on using NSAID (e.g., ibuprofen) medications

Pregnancy & Families

CDC Pregnancy & Breastfeeding

March of Dimes: What you need to know about coronavirus impacts on moms and babies

American Academy of Pediatrics information for families and children

Guidance for Large or Extended Families Living in the Same Household

Older adults and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions are at higher risk for severe illness from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Mental Wellbeing

Practicing wellness while you stay at home

Taking care of your mental health in the face of uncertainty

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Financial Wellbeing

Student loan information

Tax information (including tax relief and extended IRS deadlines)

Protecting your finances during the coronavirus pandemic - Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

If You're Sick

Making Decisions

What if I think I’m sick? When should I see a doctor or go to the ER?

If I’ve had COVID-19 already, can I be re-infected or am I immune?

Should I be tested?

CDC information on testing, featuring a Coronavirus Self Checker

About Coronavirus

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Information on COVID-19 Symptoms and Precautions

Modes of transmission of virus causing COVID-19

A scientific brief on the modes of transmission of the virus causing COVID-19.

Find Local Help

National Community Aid Organizations

Mutual Aid Hub

Find Mutual Aid Networks and other community self-support projects near you. Reach out to these groups directly via the map above to get involved, offer resources, or submit needs requests.

C19 Help Squad

We’re building a team to help people, families and businesses who have been affected by COVID-19.

Seattle Community Resources

Seattle Mayor’s Office Community Resources

This page contains information and links for City of Seattle programs and services that may be helpful for residents significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Also listed are community, county, and state resources that may be helpful to you.

In The Neighborhood

A platform dedicated to supporting Seattleites during the COVID-19 crisis. Share with a person in need, submit a resource, or volunteer your skills to a small business.

About Us + Contact

Clinical Informatics Research Group
University of Washington

If you have suggestions, corrections or other issues, or wish to help us maintain this resource list, we'd like to hear from you at

We have trouble finding links to good quality, freely accessible resources in other languages. If you would like to suggest COVID-19 resources in Spanish, Haitian Creole, German, or English, please let us know at:

This page was last updated 1-June-2020, but the resources we point to are often updated daily or more frequently.

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